Who is the man behind La Fabrique Eric Millard?

Eric Millard started his career as a cabinet maker. Growing up in Burgundy surrounded by the wine industry, he naturally became interested in the Art of Coopering. He subsequently studied in Beaune and experienced his first internship with the François Frères cooperage. Afterwards, Eric spent the next 29 years at Louis Latour making one type of barrel as the Louis Latour cooperage dictates. Eric had always dreamed of starting his own micro-cooperage and with a desire to work more closely with winemakers, he set out on his own in 2018 to build his small company. It is important to recognize the rarity of new independent coopers largely due to the up front costs including the sourcing of quality wood and the equipment required to make a barrel. Luckily, Eric had an excellent relationship with the renowned stave-maker Bernard Gauthier in the Loire and he was able to procure top quality wood including single vineyard forests. Stylistically, Eric is more of an artist than a cooper. Each barrel undergoes a three hour minimum toasting process at low temperatures in order to gently coax the more subtle aromas of oak out. He then places the barrel in a tin foil creation of his own making that seals and insulates the barrel with the intention to deeply penetrate the staves with heat. He also offers five toasts that correspond with color for example L is blonde, M is coral and M+ is carmine. Eric is a craftsman and every barrel is his project and masterpiece. He is able to customize to what a winemaker seeks. We are proud to represent Eric at the Boswell Company as he is a unique addition to a traditional game.